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Questions You Need To Ask Before Accepting A Job

As a candidate preparing your questions for an interview is often as important and preparing your answers to the recruiters questions. Here are some general questions:

  1. What is the top priority for the person in this position over the next three months?
  2. If offered the position, what are the key 3 things I would need to achieve in the first 12-months?
  3. What are some challenges that will face me if selected for the role?
  4. What are the qualities of successful managers in this organisation?
  5. Is this a new role, back filling someone who was promoted or replacing someone who resigned?
    (if “resigned”) How long were they in the role and what was the reason for the person resigning?
    (if “promoted”) Will I have an opportunity to be trained and mentored by him/her? What have past employees done to succeed in this position?
    (if “new role”) Why was the role created and what needs to be achieved to justify the role’s creation?

Sources (Updated March 2021):

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